Monday, July 27, 2009

MJ’s Doctor Responsible?

Michael Jackson’s death on June 25, 2009 unleashed a global shockwave of solemn remorse, which contributed to the suicides of twelve hardcore MJ fans, and the spike in MJ records which likely pulled him out of his multi-million dollar debt.

Investigators automatically plummeted into the mysterious realm of Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch, in order to search for the culprit behind MJ’s death. They found countless vials of propofil, a general anaesthetic. Although propofil is generally used in a hospital setting, it is not covered as a controlled substance, and is therefore, not illegal.

Next, investigators plummeted into the mysterious story behind the existence of the propofil in Michael Jackson’s Ranch. And they unveiled Conrad Murray M.D. as a gateway for the drug to present itself within the confines of Neverland.

Now it seems that Conrad is in line for a potential manslaughter investigation.

Jeff Talks:
Let me put this into perspective: if someone shoots themselves with a gun they bought, does that mean the gun-shop owner is responsible? He did after all provide him the means to kill himself didn’t he?

Bottom line is, this isn’t fair to Dr. Conrad Murray. When you sell someone a gun, yes, they might shoot themselves; when you give someone drugs, yes, they might overdose. It’s not malpractice, and it certainly is not manslaughter: Conrad Murray M.D. was just doing his job.

/Jeff –> on behalf of Prone To Change

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  1. If giving someone the ability to do something makes a person responsible for the crime, all parents are the problem. After all by giving birth to us they gave us the ability to do bad things.

    I know my example is more extreme, but it just shows how backwards their logic is.

  2. Whenever I feel I get too out of touch, I punch myself in the face.

    Then blame the fists.

    Do you hear the thoughts in your head, or are the synapses firing of their own accord? I've never heard a voice in my head, nothing narrating what I'm doing - It just happens. So what came first ?

    The hands or the face? The mind, or the matter? The chicken, or the egg?

    We know synapses flare, the impulse sends it to your hands, your hands reach up, punch you in the face. Nothing is of its own accord - but yours.


    Maybe your body is just in politely agreeing to what you do with it. Humankind comes down to free will, but what of our shells?

    Which came first, the Brian, or the Body? Self dictates who we are, but not what we are.

    A circle of self perpetuated updating agreements, perhaps.
