Saturday, July 25, 2009

Immortal Jellyfish

At first glance this is bizarre; at second glance it’s just as bizarre. The Turritopsis nutricula jelly fish essentially begins its life anew once it has sexually reproduced.

Weird? You betcha!

It reminds me of the movie Cranked - the china town scene. I won’t breath too much in to it, but essentially the main character needed to have sex to keep his heart pumping blood. This fish seems to do the exact same thing, only sex is like a restart button. It begins from childhood once again, every time it has intercourse.

Scientists say the fish has the potential to live forever, and they are currently searching for ways to potentially implement the immortality gene into humanity. Which would make the human race that much more fun.

Yours truly,
Jeff - On Behalf of Prone To Change

Tell us what you think!Email your thoughts to, or leave a comment in the space provided.


  1. Ha, if they ever figure it out I am so there. Immortality and young forever!

    :P You're welcome for the idea Jeff.

  2. The body lives forever, but a restart is always a clean slate.

    Perhaps a more frightening rape of nature could be imagined, but I would shudder to think of the implications of a "clean slate" - physically, it would clean out our musculature, revert to pathetically weak and normal, relearning how to use muscle memory - to walk, talk, eat, breathe. This could even affect our genetic memory as well, blocking out our evolutionary traits, the rituals and culture that makes our species different in their acts and sociology.

    But a blank mind, in a adult body?
    A blank canvas, yours to paint on, to paint any reality you want...
