Monday, July 20, 2009


Greetings bipodicular lifeforms of the planet known as Earth,

This post is an introduction to the entity known as Prone To Change - a comical duo who will be sharing humorous, often effervescent, stories for you, the self-acclaimed superior lifeforms of Earth, for pure and absolute entertainment.

Their jovial, overwrought stories will be entertaining enough to trick your brains into squeezing out every drop of dopamine they can possibly muster.

Although their intentions seem clouded at this juncture in time, their aim is true - entertainment. And perhaps, one day, when life has thrown you down into the muck of desolation, you will relate to a story you read on the walls of this blog and know that you're lamentable soul has strayed into a realm for which human connection is still possible.

They encourage feedback from their community. Thus, you can email them at, or leave a comment to this post, or future posts.

All for now,
Prone To Change

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